Let Us Walk You Through It
In a lot of cases when looking for a puppy, the unfortunate fact is this: many establishments, organizations or individuals will show you a cute picture, take your money, refer you to Google for tips on training and feeding, and wish you good luck and farewell. That’s it.

Citipups takes the entirely opposite approach. For us, helping you find your perfect animal companion is all about support. You’re not just adopting a pet; you’re beginning a life with that new pup, and you’re going to need plenty of backup. That’s why we’ve tried to anticipate all your needs from the moment you start your search, all the way through to your first vet visit, and beyond.

To begin, you’ll want to check our website and Instagram often. We post pics and info for all our new pups weekly and people tend to come quick. If you think you’ve spotted your perfect match, you’ve got options: you can leave a $300 non-refundable deposit–good for 48 hours–and come pick up your puppy in store, or maybe you want to meet a few pups first. In that case, come on over and meet them in person. We’ll set you up with a playpen for some one-on-one bonding, and you can ask our salespeople anything–they’ve got a wealth of knowledge to share.

When you’re ready to move ahead, your salesperson will walk you through every aspect of the adoption, including a detailed review of the agreement, step-by-step training and feeding instructions, and a rundown of all the supplies you’ll need to get started (all available in store, with a 20% discount at the time of adoption). You’ll also get some much-needed peace of mind, knowing every pup comes micro-chipped, with their vaccinations up-to-date at the time of purchase, as well as our comprehensive health warranty.

But rest assured that Citipups support does not end once you’ve taken your newest family member home. Those first weeks at home are precisely when you need all the help you can get. That’s why we provide you with a voucher for a complementary first exam at some of New York’s finest veterinarians, and check in with you via phone and text on a regular basis to help you and your pup through that first, pivotal adjustment period.

You’re going to have questions! Lots of questions! Which is why we also maintain a 24-Hour helpline to provide you with immediate answers and support round the clock, day or night.
Bottom line: Citipups has your back.